Photo by Eddie Gapper

Topographic Maps of New Zealand - Free topo maps of the whole country.

Department Of Conservation - Get ideas, hut updates, hut bookings and PDF downloads.

Department of Conservation OIA Request - How to lodge a formal request for information with the Department.

Met Service - All your WX forecasting needs, including short and long-range mountain weather.

Met Service Snow Weather App

NZ Avalanche Centre - Southern Lakes area bulletins. 

Locator Beacon Hire - Mobil Frankton is the closest place to rent a beacon.

Climbing Queenstown - Local guiding company.

Rock and Rambles - Local guiding company.

Independent Mountain Guides - Local guiding company.

New Zealand Alpine Club - The national club for everyone interested in alpine pursuits.

The Climber Magazine - Online version of the NZAC magazine.

Federated Mountain Clubs of New Zealand - National representative of mountain clubs. 

The Alpine Club - The oldest one there is.

New Zealand Outdoor Instructors Association - Providers of recognised qualifications for outdoor instructors.

New Zealand Mountain Guides Association - Our national association.

Mountain Safety Council - Outdoor safety.